JC MEUNIER: I know a good one
Maria Glukhova: Could you pls advice ?
JC MEUNIER: Maria Glukhova I have sent you in pv
Sabine Rühling-Tittmann: Elody, The Clinichttps://www.theclinic.international/about-us
the clinic by International Rehabilitation Specialists
5.0 ★ · Medical Center
Jiashan Road 118. Building B, Floor 5, Suite A501, 200031 Shanghai, China
Stephane Patanx-Laborde: #guillaumesergent he is into golf but also french osteopathe
Kamran Mahmood: Is this a food?
Maxim Vdn: Guillaume Sergent definitely recommend him. He has been trating me and my girlfriend for a year. Very professional. He worked with high level sports people back in france. Don’t think there is better than him in Shanghai
Guillaume Sergent: Thks ☺
Guillaume Sergent: Tks Stephane and Maxim
Sinounited Health Shanghai
Physical Therapist
Suite 601, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Road (W), Shanghai, China